The topic of mixed language programming, or inter language
communication, has in recent years received greater attention than
before. This is partly due to the successful acceptance of the
high-level languages Ada, C and Pascal, together with the strong
survival of the classical languages Cobol and Fortran.
Fortran 90 is in some implementations
difficult to mix with Fortran 77. A discussion of this is given in
chapter 15 of the
tutorial by
Bo Einarsson and Yurij Shokin.
Several papers on mixed language programming have been published.
- Jeanne C. Adams, Walter S. Brainerd, Richard A. Hendrickson, Richard
E. Maine, Jeanne T. Martin and Brian T. Smith (2008):
"Interoperabilty with C", Chapter 15 of
"The Fortran 2003 Handbook", Springer, London. ISBN 978-1846283789.
pp. 561-579.
- P.M. Allan, A.J. Chipperfield, R.F. Warren-Smith, P.W. Draper
(2008): CNF
and F77, Mixed Language Programming - FORTRAN and C, Version 4.3
Programmer's Manual
- Carsten A. Arnholm (1997): Mixed language
programming using C++ and FORTRAN 77
- Reinhold Bader (2007): A Fortran binding for the GNU Scientific
Library, Fortran Forum, Vol. 26, Number 2 (August 2007),
pp. 4-11.
- John Brophy (1988): Use of the IMSL libraries from languages other than
FORTRAN, IMSL Directions, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 4-5, 12.
- John Brophy (1990): How to use the IMSL libraries from Microsoft C, IMSL
Directions, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 7-9.
- R. de Bruin and C. G. van der Laan (1983): The Creation of a
Virtual NAG-Algol 68 Program Library, Software - Practice and Experince,
Vol. 15, pp. 963-.
- R. de Bruin, C. G. van der Laan and J. R. Luyten (1985): Gebruik Fortran
subroutines vanuit Pascal hoofdprogramma's of PC, R.C.-Rapport 16,
Rekencentrum der Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, The Netherlands,
(1985) (in Dutch).
- Ruknet Cezzar (1995): A Guide to Programming Languages: Overview and Comparison.
Artech House Publishers, Boston and London 1995. ISBN 0-89006-812-7. One
chaper of this book is on mixed language programming and mixed programming
- Cray (1995): "Interlanguage Communication", Chapter 11 of the
"Cray Standard C Reference Manual" SR-2074 4.0.
- P. Darondeau, P. Le Guernic, M. Raynal (1981): Types in a Mixed
Language System, BIT, Vol. 21, pp. 246-254.
- Viktor K. Decyk (2008): A Method for Passing Data Between C
and Opaque Fortran 90 Pointers, Fortran Forum, Vol. 27, Number 2 (August 2008),
pp. 2-7.
- DISG (1985): Data Types for Data Interchange, A Report of the
SPARC Data Interchange Study Group, Project 470-S, 28 May 1985.
- Aleksander Donev (2006): Interoperability with C in Fortran 2003,
Fortran Forum, Vol. 25, Number 1 (April 2006),
pp. 8-12.
- Bo Einarsson and W.
Morven Gentleman (1984): Mixed Language Programming, Software -
Practice and Experience, Vol. 14, pp. 383-395.
- Bo Einarsson (1985):
The Structure of Mixed Language Programming Realization,
Research Report LITH-IDA-R-85-01, Department of Computer and
Information Science, Linköping University.
- Bo Einarsson (1986):
Mixed Language Programming Realization and the Provision of Data Types,
SIGNUM Newsletter, Vol. 21, No. 1 and 2, (April 1986), 2-9.
- Bo Einarsson (1989):
Application of Mixed Language Programming, Proceedings of the Symposium
on Scientific Software, May 31 - June 3, 1989, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
edited by D. Y. Cai, L. D. Fosdick and H. C. Huang, pp. 27-64.
- Bo Einarsson (1990):
Application of mixed language programming, Computer Physics Communications,
Vol. 61, 150-162.
- Bo Einarsson (1991):
Mixed Language Programming,
Part 3, C and Fortran, Draft May 1991.
- Bo Einarsson (1995):
Mixed Language Programming, Part 4, Mixing ANSI-C with Fortran 77 or Fortran 90;
"Portability or Transportability?"
Presented at the IFIP WG 2.5 International Workshop on
"Current Directions in Numerical Software and High Performance Computing",
19 - 20 October 1995, Kyoto, Japan.
- Bo Einarsson, Richard J. Hanson and Tim Hopkins (2009):
Standardized Mixed Language Programming for Fortran and C,
ACM Fortran Forum, December 2009, Vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 8-22.
- S. I. Feldman (1984): Mixed Language Programming in the UNIX
Environment. Presented at the Workshop on Mixed Language
Programming, 28 June 1984 in Pasadena, California.
- B. Ford (1984): Comments on NAG's Experiences with Mixed Language
Programming in Fortran, Algol 60, Algol 68, and Ada.
Presented at the
Workshop on Mixed Language Programming, 28 June 1984 in Pasadena,
- L. Gallagher (1984): Procedure Language Access to Proposed American
National Standard Database Management Systems, ANSC X3H2 (Database),
Working Paper ANSI-X3 PLSG/84-072, July 1984.
- W. M. Gentleman and J. F. Traub (1968): the Bell Laboratories
numerical mathematics program library project, Proceedings of the ACM
23rd National Conference, ACM, New York, pp. 485-490.
- W. M. Gentleman (1985): Implementation Issues in Providing a Mixed
Language Programming Environment. Presented at the Department of
Energy Workshop on Mixed Language Programming in Chicago, 30 April - 2
May 1985, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439.
- R. Grove (1985): Architecture of the VAX/VMS Common Language
Environment. Presented at the Department of Energy Workshop on
Mixed Language Programming in Chicago, 30 April - 2 May 1985,
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439.
- Richard J Hanson and Tim Jopkins (2013): "Numerical
Computing with Modern Fortran", SIAM 2013, ISBN 978-1-611973-11-2.
Interoperability with C is in Chapter 10.
- R. Hayes and R. D. Schlichting (1984): The Application of a
Universal Type System to the Problem of Mixed Language Programming,
Report TR 84-15, Department of Computer Science, The University of
Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721. Revised report TR 85-11:
Facilitating Mixed Language Programming in Distributed Systems.
- G. S. Hodgson, S. J. Hague, B. Ford (1985): Is Mixed Language
Programming a Viable Way of Avoiding Multiple Libraries? Presented at
the Department of Energy Workshop on Mixed Language Programming in
Chicago, 30 April - 2 May 1985, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne,
Illinois 60439.
- Ian Hounam (2002): Calling NAG Fortran Library Routines from C
Language Programs Using the NAG C Header Files,
Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK.
Further info.
- IMSL (2006): Calling the IMSL Fortran Library from C, IMSL
Technical Report P10377.
- ISO/IEC Technical Specification 29113 "Further Interoperability of
Fortran with C"
- C. G. van der Laan (1982): Programming in Algol 68 (as a host)
and the usage of Fortran (program libraries), in J. K. Reid,
Editor, The Relationship between Numerical Computation
and Programming Languages, North-Holland Publishing Company,
Amsterdam 1982, pp. 305-315.
- C. G. van der Laan (1984): Interfacing Ada to Fortran, R.C.-Rapport 13,
Rekencentrum der Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, Postbus 800,
NL-9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands. Abbreviated version available in:
Third Joint Ada Europe/Ada TEC Conference, Brussels 26-28 June 1984,
edited by J. Teller, The Ada Companion Series (Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge 1984) pp. 179-189; and in: Scientific Ada,
edited by B. Ford, J. Kok, M. W. Rogers (Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge 1986) pp. 40-48.
- C. G. van der Laan (1985): Necessary Conditions for Graceful Mixed
Language Programming. Presented at the the Department of Energy
Workshop on Mixed Language Programming in Chicago, 30 April - 2 May
1985, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439.
- M. Ljungberg and M. Thuné, Mixed C++/Fortran 90 Implementation of Parallel
Flow Solvers, in Parallel CFD 2000, Trends and Applications, eds C. B.
Jenssen et. al., pp. 233 - 240, North-Holland 2001, ISBN 0-444-50673-X.
- R. Lutowski (1996): Calling C From Fortran On 10 Different Platforms,
Fortran Journal, Volume 8, Number 2, 1996 March/April, pp. 7 - 16.
- Giri Mandalika (2006): Mixed-Language Programming and External Linkage
- Arjen Markus, Modern Fortran in Practice, Cambridge University Press,
2012, ISBN 978-1-107-01790-0 (Hardback), ISBN 978-1-107-60347-9
(Paperback). This book discusses Fortran interfacing to C in
chapter 6.
- J. Martin (1984): Interlanguage communication, Working Paper ANSI-X3
PLSG/ 84-071, ISO/TC97/SC5/WG16-N39, July 11, 1984. This paper contains
a summary of the Workshop on Mixed Language Programming, 28 June 1984
in Pasadena, California.
- Karl Meerbergen, Kresimir Fresl, and Toon Knapen (2009):
"C++ Bindings to External Software Libraries with Examples from
BLAS, LAPACK, UMFPACK, and MUMPS", ACM Transactions on Mathematical
Software, Volume 36, Issue 4 (August 2009).
- Michael Metcalf, John Reid, and Malcolm Cohen (2011):
"Interoperabilty with C", Chapter 12 of "Moder Fortran explained",
Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, ISBN 978-0-19-960141-7,
pp. 243-254.
- Microsoft Corporation (1987): Mixed-Language Programming Guide for the
MS-DOS Operating system.
- Microsoft Corporation (1995): Common Mixed Language Issues, in
"Microsoft Windows NT Workstation and Windows 95 Market Bulletin",
Microsoft Business and Personal Systems Division, July 1995.
- NAG (1995): Mixed Language Programming, Chapter 10 (pp. 65 - 71)
of the "FTN 90 User's Guide", Salford Software and NAG, July 1995, ISBN
- Mick Pont and Anna Kwiczala (2009):
NAG Library Routines from Java,
NAG Technical Report TR 2/09.
- Peter S. Shenkin (2000): Writing Object-Based Libraries with
Fortran ansd C APIs, Fortran Forum, Vol. 19, Number 1 (April 2000),
pp. 5-12.
- Silicon Graphics (1997): Interfacing Ada95 with Fortran 77,
Silicon Graphics Pipeline, A Customer Support Publication,
Volume 8, Number 1 (January/February 1997), pp. 11 - 17.
- Mladen A Vouk (1984): On the Cost of Mixed Language Programming,
SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 19, No. 12 (December 1984), pp. 54-60. Presented
at the Workshop on Mixed Language Programming, 28 June 1984 in
Pasadena, California.
Last modified: February 17, 2016